Saturday, July 30, 2016

Could you?

Have you ever done something major in your life that should never have had a negative impact on anybody, yet for some unexpected reason it causes problems to those you love most – your children?

Everybody who knows Steve and me knows we have a tendency to be unconventional. (There have been the countless business ideas, the moving to the country and physically building a kit home, Steve’s refusal to go on the Dole, my refusal to take medication, let’s face it, the list just goes on.)
However, we’ve never done anything that has negatively affected our girls – although it is possible that over the years they may have received the odd strange, side-ways look because of their slightly kooky parents.
That is until now… and all because of the house-sitting.
Would you believe that because our new adventure doesn’t fit normal lifestyle choices, our youngest daughter, Alexis, is having huge amounts of difficulty getting the normal and all-too-familiar Government financial support for her studies?
From what I can understand because Lex is under the official age of independence (22, she turns 21 next month), doesn’t have a traditional family home to return to, and possibly because Steve and I, neither have a job, or claim the Dole, is not eligible for Abstudy!
As if moving out of home and finding your place in the world isn’t hard enough, without being denied the same financial support that just about every other student seems to be eligible for?
There are numerous ways of looking at this challenge, but I think to be honest it all comes down to being unconventional – Steve and I simply don’t fit the printed forms (and we’ve filled in several)! Therefore we’ve decided to provide as much proof as we can that we genuinely have no regular home, are full-time house-sitters, and as such are self-funded retirees constantly moving across Australia.
Could you, if you feel comfortable doing so, please write a comment below confirming any of the above information on us that you believe to be true and, if possible, your name and place in the community (or anything else you think might give your comment more clout). We will then copy this post and comments and attach it to our application.
Steve and I are not asking you to say anything that is untrue, and we know at this point that this blog doesn’t have many readers, we are just hoping that the more people who attest to our change in lifestyle, the more chance Lex has of getting their support and therefore continuing her studies.
The last thing we want is for Lex to suffer for our differences. Like I said earlier, finding your way in life and becoming an independent adult is hard enough without any unnecessary and extra hassles.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Say 'Cheese'!

A couple of weeks ago I found my camera, it was one of the many things I came across while sorting. You know, one of those things that had been found, then put somewhere ‘safe’ so that it didn’t get lost again, which (of course) meant that it did.
Anyway, over the months that I’d been waiting for it to resurface, I’d been trying to decide whether to keep it, sell it or store it. After all, I can take pictures with my phone, and Steve is an expert and excellent photographer, but then (as those who know me know) I don’t have the steadiest of hands, so if I am going to take photos I really do benefit from my camera’s Optical Image Stabilisation (or, in simple words, ‘anti-shake’). 
Well, today, while trying not to fall over as I weeded an awkward part of the current garden we’re house-sitting, I think I came up with the answer – I’m going to keep it.
Why, you might ask?
Because, as I stood there, looking like a total twit – one arm holding on to the wall behind me, bum in the air, all of me wobbling as I tried not to fall flat on my face (or squash the plants), and extremely grateful for the wall creating a barrier between me and the passing public – Steve happened to wander past with his camera. Something he’s doing a lot these days as he collects a wonderful range of exciting, unique and creative photos. However, he’s also gathering some of me that aren’t quite as... elegant and flattering as I might like.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against the odd realistic shot. My ego isn’t that big. However, the situation just made me realise… now how should I word it… that if our blog only contained Steve’s photos (as wonderful as they are) surely our portrayal of the house-sitting life would be biased and one-sided.
Don’t you agree?
Wouldn’t you like our blog to be more balanced, and include some pics of the man too?
I certainly would and, to me, that alone seems reason to keep my camera. Therefore, I thought I might start taking some photos of our adventure too.
Now I just have to remember how to use my camera and to keep it on hand.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Our First Fortnight

First, to those who noticed, apologies for no post last week. The days kind of got away from me, and the need for sleep-ins and naps became rather overwhelming – a reaction to having finally finished so many of the tasks that we’d been working at over the months I assume. Of course, I’d love to say that all said tasks were completed, but believe it or not there’s STILL some sorting and selling to be done! Still!
Despite that, if asked, the most poignant and memorable moment of the last two weeks was when our dear friend backed his truck up to our carport before taking away our carefully-packed plastic tubs to be stored. Let me tell you, there is nothing quite like looking at two cubic metres of belongings and asking yourself, ‘Is this all my life amounts to?’
It’s enough to make you catch your breath and reconsider your place in the world.

So what else has happened in the last fortnight?
Well, Steve and I have had a great time settling into the new lifestyle of house-sitting, and it’s all going very well. The dog we’re looking after is absolutely gorgeous and the area we’re in is great. All in all an excellent place to start our new career.
There’ll be more later (no doubt) about adjustments and insights, and all the other fun things we’re learning, but first my biggest challenge – just to make you smile.
Don’t get me wrong, I knew I’d need to learn a whole stack of things, but my first big challenge has really taken me by surprise. I mean, let’s face it, it’s an unfamiliar house, unfamiliar suburb, unfamiliar lifestyle, unfamiliar dog, in fact just about everything around me is strange - except for Steve (well!) and my biggest challenge… being able to throw a ball, using a plastic ball-thrower, and not hit Steve with the ball!
I know the wand-thingy is meant to be easy, but… well… all I can say is if you see us down at the park, and I’m using it to throw the ball for the lovely dog we’re minding… be careful. I’m still learning and who knows where that ball is going to land.

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Sorry, no proper post today.

Because settlement has finally gone through on our house.
Meaning? Steve and I are now officially Digital Nomads.
So? We're out relaxing for the day (or at least, hopefully, not sorting, packing or thinking about anything related to business).

A new post should be up soon.
In the meantime, please feel free to celebrate with us.